This research work aims, and it's its main objective, to define the necessary methodologies to propose an integral recovery of the basin of the Monelos river. From the first moment it is kept in mind that a complete re-naturalization will be practically impossible, but we intend to identify specific sections where efficient restoration actions can be proposed, within the framework of the current urban, environmental and water regulations.

An important aspect of the work will be to recover the social interest of the Monelos River by the citizens of different agents of the city. To do this, it is planned to develop participatory activities for the collection of geo-localized stories and data on the basin's environment through the EMAPIC web service to georeference information through participatory processes.

The use of geolocalized surveys through the EMAPIC tool, will allow obtaining information to help the approach of solutions in the river that are feasible and accepted by the citizens. Within these complementary activities, it is also planned to organize outreach events whose goal is to interact with other agents, citizens in general and experts in different fields.