
FotoMonRiveR Photographic Contest Awards 2022
18/12/2022FotoMonRiveR Photographic Contest Awards 2022 [...]

Talk about MonRiveR for students of Public Works Engineering. 2nd Edition
21/11/2022The presentation of the MonRiver project for the second consecutive year kicked off the River Engineering section of the Public Works Engineering Degree (GEOP) Hydraulic Works course taught at the School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCP) of the University of La Coruña (UDC). The aim of the talk aimed at the students was to offer a closer view of the project, which addresses the recovery of rivers from a broader perspective. [...]

Educational Activity in collaboration with the Monelos Secondary School
15/11/2022After the positive experience of collaborating in educational activities with the Secondary School of Monelos, this year we have once again organised a day. On this occasion, the activity, in which 70 students participated, was organised for 3rd year ESO students in coordination with the geography department, dealing with aspects contained in the curricular organisation of the subject Xunta de Galicia regulations. [...]

39th IAHR World Congress
25/06/2022During the week of 19 June 2022, MonRiveR has participated in the 39th edition of the International Congress organised by the International Association for Hydro-Environmental Engineering and Research (IAHR) in the city of Granada. [...]

First International Macrocongress of Sciences and Humanities (CIHUM) 2022. Horizon 2030
17/03/2022In collaboration with the History of Art, Architecture and Urbanism Group of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), MonRiveR has participated in the humanities congress to present the result of the research work on the history of the Monelos river and the identification of the heritage elements related to it. [...]

Talk on MonRiveR for undergraduate students in public works engineering. 1st Edition
16/11/2021As part of the GEOP Hydraulic Works course taught at the School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCP) of the University of La Coruña (UDC), which includes a section dedicated to river engineering, Monriver was presented in a talk aimed at students with the aim of learning more about the project that deals with river recovery with a broader vision. [...]

Informative conference: Citizen Involvement in the Restoration of Urban Rivers
25/10/2021On Monday 25 October 2021, the informative conference "CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT IN THE RESTORATION OF URBAN RIVERS" was held, organised by the Department of Civil Engineering of the Universidade da Coruña (UDC) and funded by the UDC Course Office (Vice-rectorate for Equality, Culture and Sport). This conference is [...]

Emalcsa UDC Chair Award for the TFM on MonRiveR
07/06/2021Nuria Santiesteban, a CartoLAB collaborator in the MonRiveR project, has been awarded a runner-up prize for her excellent master’s thesis entitled "Environmental assessment of the recovery of the Monelos river by means of multi-parametric geospatial analysis". [...]

Event: City Park – MonRiveR
17/05/2021The Parque Ciudad citizens' initiative arose from the desire to improve the environment of the Martinete neighbourhood, which is crossed by the tributary of the Monelos, the Mesoiro river, inspired by the MonRiveR project. [...]

6th European congress of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences IAHR
15/02/2021The 6th European Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environmental Engineering and Research (IAHR), entitled "Hydro-Environmental Research and Engineering - No Frames, No Boundaries", was scheduled to be held from 29 June to 2 July 2020 in Warsaw, Poland. However, due to the pandemic situation, the Congress was moved to February 2021. [...]

INTERLABS: Students' Science Dissemination Seminar
02/04/2020The civil engineer and Cartolab researcher, Amal Nnechachi, has participated in the 7th edition of the Scientific Dissemination Conference among Students, Interlabs, through the presentation of content on the MonRiveR Project, under the title: "MonRiverR Project: goals, objectives and tasks". [...]

Environmental March 2020 at UDC: Activities on MonRiveR
09/03/2020You can participate in the Environmental March 2020 at UDC, which is part of the Educating for Sustainability Project of the UDC and Alcoa Foundation, which aims to train the university community in the basic concepts of environmental and social sustainability and to develop capacities to act on those issues that are currently priorities. [...]

Creation of the mural "Cultural river restoration of the Monelos River"
05/03/2020Between February 2 and 6, the urban art mural of the project "Cultural river restoration of the Monelos river: diffusion and valorization of the Monelos river through urban art open to society" was made. [...]

Urban Art and Engineering talk. MonRiveR Project
06/02/2020Talk by David Brey Vázquez, best known as Doc Toy [...]

Where the river Monelos is still a river
04/02/2020"Near the Marineda City shopping center is one of the few places where the Monelos River is still a river or at least a stream. [...]

INTERLABS: a day of scientific dissemination among students
14/11/2019The journalist Daniel Veira, part of the MonRiveR project team and responsible for the project's documentary management and communication, presented an exhibition entitled "Communication and dissemination in the MonRiveR project" at the fifth edition of the Interlabs conference. [...]

Cultural Fluvial Restoration of the Monelos River: Dissemination and valorization of the Monelos River through urban art open to society
30/10/2019By the end of 2019 a cultural project will be carried out in which the society of A Coruña will participate. This project is called Cultural Fluvial Restoration of the Monelos River: Dissemination and valorization of the Monelos River through urban art open to society. [...]

VI Jornadas de Ingeniería del Agua (Water Engineering Conference). JIA 2019, Toledo, Spain
25/10/2019The civil engineer Amal Nnechachi took part in the VI Jornadas de Ingeniería del Agua (Water Engineering Conference) JIA 2019 organized by the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (University of Castilla-La Mancha) in the city of Toledo (Spain). [...]

Interview with Amal Nnechachi in La Voz de Galicia about Monelos River Revival (MonRiveR)
04/08/2019The civil engineer participates in the Monelos River Revival (MonRiveR) research project to recover the natural course and involve society: [...]

Biodiversity and perspectives to the restoration of Monelos river basin (A Coruña, Galicia) at the Restaura Ríos 2019 Congress (River Restoration 2019 Congress).
08/07/2019On June 13, 2019, the Restaura Ríos 2019 Congress was held in Murcia. The civil engineer Amal Nnechachi made the presentation "Biodiversity and perspectives to the restoration of Monelos river basin (A Coruña, Galicia)". [...]

Manuel Rodilla and Francisco Cobas submerge us in the history of Monelos
25/06/2019On May 20 we received Manuel Rodilla again to tell us more information and anecdotes about the river Monelos but this time he was accompanied by Francisco Cobas, also an expert on Monelos and the history of A Coruña. [...]

Why the Street Sewer (Calle Alcantarilla)
11/06/2019Manuel Rodilla on "Calle de la Alcantarilla": [...]

Interview with Amal Nnechachi in CuacFM: MonRiveR
03/06/2019On the 24th Día da Ciencia na Rúa (Street Science Day) CuacFm spoke with Amal Nnechachi, a Cartolab researcher, about the Monelos River Revival (MonRiveR) project. [...]

Manuel Rodilla and José Carlos Alonso immerse us in the history of Monelos
28/05/2019On May 13 we received Manuel Rodilla and Jose Carlos Alonso, experts on the Monelos River, who came to talk to us about the history of the river and its context. They told us a lot of interesting data and anecdotes linked to the underground river, to the city of A Coruña and its surroundings through which the river runs. Stay tuned to our networks to discover everything. [...]

Colloquium on 'Esquece Monelos' and presentation of the MonRiveR Project
02/05/2019On May the 2nd, a panel discussion was held on the film 'Esquece Monelos' which served to present the project 'MonRiveR'. A research project that aims to define the possible methodologies of restoration of the river Monelos and the enhancement of its natural course in an urban environment. [...]

The different names of the Monelos river
29/04/2019The Monelos river is also known along its course as Beneirón river, Campos river or Mesoiro river. The river rises and flows into the municipality of A Coruña and is buried for most of its journey, channeled under the floor of the streets of the city. [...]

Projection of the documentary 'Esquece Monelos' by Ángeles Huerta
25/04/2019On Thursday, April 25, the documentary 'Esquece Monelos' by Ángeles Huerta was screened. The film tells the story of the disappearance of the Monelos River, relating it to the loss of memory of the place and the people who inhabited it in the past. [...]