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Álvarez Enjo, Manuel Ali, Jerónimo Puertas Agudo, Enrique Peña González, and María Bermúdez Pita. “Two-Dimensional Dam-Break Flood Analysis in Data-Scarce Regions: The Case Study of Chipembe Dam, Mozambique.” Water 9, no. 6 (June 14, 2017): 432

Copena, Damián, David Pérez-Neira, and Xavier Simón. “Local Economic Impact of Wind Energy Development: Analysis of the Regulatory Framework, Taxation, and Income for Galician Municipalities.” Sustainability 11, no. 8 (April 23, 2019): 2403

Corredor Molguero, Antonio, M. Esther Gómez-Martín, Enrique Peña González, and Josep R. Medina. “Design and Construction of the Western Breakwater for the Outer Port at Punta Langosteira (A Coruña, Spain).” Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 35 (June 23, 2017): 14

Fernández Hermida, D., M. Rodelgo Lacruz, A. Bianco, D. Cuda, G. Gavilanes Castillo, C. López Bravo, and F.J. González Castaño. “AWG-Based Optical Switches Performance Using Crosstalk Limiting Schedulers.” Computer Networks 56, no. 13 (September 2012): 3099–3109

García Docampo, Manuel. “Theories of Urban Dynamics.” International Journal of Population Research 2014 (2014): 1–11

García, R., R. Blanco, J. Anta, A. Naves, and J. Molinero. “Plan de Seguridad Del Agua En Los Campos de Refugiados Saharauis En Tindouf (Argelia).” Ingeniería Del Agua 22, no. 1 (January 30, 2018): 37

Ghasemi, Hadi, Morteza Kolahdoozan, Enrique Peña González, Javier Ferreras, and Andrés Figuero. “A New Hybrid ANN Model for Evaluating the Efficiency of PI-Type Floating Breakwater.” Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 35 (June 23, 2017): 25

Gil-Castineira, Felipe, Enrique Costa-Montenegro, Francisco Gonzalez-Castano, Cristina López-Bravo, Timo Ojala, and Raja Bose. “Experiences inside the Ubiquitous Oulu Smart City.” Computer 44, no. 6 (June 2011): 48–55

Giraldo, C., F. Gil-Castineira, C. Lopez-Bravo, and F. J. Gonzalez-Castano. “A Software-Defined Mobile Network Architecture.” In 2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 287–91. IEEE, 2014

Lage, Luis, Plácido Lizancos, Francisco Raigón, Vanessa Míguez, and Alberto Varela. “Formulación de Una Acción Innovadora de Aprendizaje-Servicio Enfocada a La Habitabilidad Básica. Una Experiencia Interuniversitaria En Maputo (Mozambique).” Hábitat y Sociedad, no. 10 (2017): 99–112

Maciñeira, Enrique, Enrique Peña, Victoria Bajo, José Sande, and Fernando Noya. “Probabilistic Design of a Secondary Breakwater in the New Harbour Basin of the Port of La Coruña.” In Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2015, 482–90. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2017

Martínez-García, Carolina, Belén González-Fonteboa, Fernando Martínez-Abella, and Diego Carro-López. “Performance of Mussel Shell as Aggregate in Plain Concrete.” Construction and Building Materials 139 (May 2017): 570–83

Mera, I., M.J. Franca, J. Anta, and E. Peña. “Turbulence Anisotropy in a Compound Meandering Channel with Different Submergence Conditions.” Advances in Water Resources 81 (July 2015): 142–51

Mon, Alba, Javier Samper, Luis Montenegro, Acacia Naves, and Jesús Fernández. “Long-Term Non-Isothermal Reactive Transport Model of Compacted Bentonite, Concrete and Corrosion Products in a HLW Repository in Clay.” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 197 (February 2017): 1–16

Muñoz, Jorge, Javier Alonso, Francisco García, Secundino Costas, Marcos Pillado, Francisco Castaño, Manuel Sánchez, Roberto Valcarce, and Cristina Bravo. “A Cognitive Mobile BTS Solution with Software-Defined Radioelectric Sensing.” Sensors 13, no. 2 (February 5, 2013): 2051–75

Naves, A., J. Samper, A. Mon, B. Pisani, L. Montenegro, and J. M. Carvalho. “Demonstrative Actions of Spring Restoration and Groundwater Protection in Rural Areas of Abegondo (Galicia, Spain).” Sustainable Water Resources Management 5, no. 1 (March 28, 2019): 175–86

Neira, David Pérez, Marta Soler Montiel, and Xavier Simón Fernández. “Energy Analysis of Organic Farming in Andalusia (Spain).” Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, October 8, 2012, 121008070803004

Pérez Neira, David, Xavier Simón Fernández, Damián Copena Rodríguez, Marta Soler Montiel, and Manuel Delgado Cabeza. “Analysis of the Transport of Imported Food in Spain and Its Contribution to Global Warming.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 31, no. 1 (February 12, 2016): 37–48

Pérez Neira, David, Marta Soler Montiel, and Xavier Simón Fernández. “Energy Indicators for Organic Livestock Production: A Case Study from Andalusia, Southern Spain.” Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38, no. 3 (March 16, 2014): 317–35

Piñeira Mantiñán, María José, Rubén C. Lois González, and Jesús M. González Pérez. “New Models of Urban Governance in Spain during the Post-Crisis Period: The Fight against Vulnerability on a Local Scale.” Territory, Politics, Governance 7, no. 3 (July 3, 2019): 336–64

Piñeira-Mantiñán, María, Francisco Durán-Villa, and José Taboada-Failde. “Urban Vulnerability in Spanish Medium-Sized Cities during the Post-Crisis Period (2009–2016). The Cases of A Coruña and Vigo (Spain).” Urban Science 2, no. 2 (April 19, 2018): 37

Rodríguez-Silva, Daniel A., Jaime Loureiro-Acuña, Francisco J. González-Castaño, and Cristina López-Bravo. “Improving the Virtualization of Rich Applications by Combining VNC and Streaming Protocols at the Hypervisor Layer.” Software: Practice and Experience 46, no. 5 (May 2016): 625–44

Samper, J., A. Mon, L. Montenegro, J. Cuevas, M.J. Turrero, A. Naves, R. Fernández, and E. Torres. “Coupled THCM Model of a Heating and Hydration Concrete-Bentonite Column Test.” Applied Geochemistry 94 (July 2018): 67–81

Samper, Javier, Acacia Naves, Luis Montenegro, and Alba Mon. “Reactive Transport Modelling of the Long-Term Interactions of Corrosion Products and Compacted Bentonite in a HLW Repository in Granite: Uncertainties and Relevance for Performance Assessment.” Applied Geochemistry 67 (April 2016): 42–51

Sande, José, Enrique Peña González, and Enrique Maciñeira. “Damage Criteria in Roundheads Armoured with a Single Layer of Cubipod Armor Units.” Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 35 (June 23, 2017): 13

Swagemakers, Paul, Damian Copena Rodríguez, María Dolores Domínguez García, and Xavier Simón Fernández. “Fighting for a Future: An Actor-Oriented Planning Approach to Landscape Preservation in Galicia.” Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 114, no. 2 (July 3, 2014): 109–18

Yi, Shuping, Javier Samper, Acacia Naves, and Josep M. Soler. “A Single-Site Reactive Transport Model of Cs+ for the in Situ Diffusion and Retention (DR) Experiment.” Environmental Earth Sciences 74, no. 4 (August 26, 2015): 3589–3601

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