On May the 2nd, a panel discussion was held on the film 'Esquece Monelos' which served to present the project 'MonRiveR'. A research project that aims to define the possible methodologies of restoration of the river Monelos and the enhancement of its natural course in an urban environment.
'MonRiveR' is funded by the Alcoa Foundation. The event took place at the Centre for Technological Innovation in Building and Civil Engineering - CITEEC of the Elviña Campus. They took part in the discussion table:
- Dr. Jerónimo Puertas Agudo, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the UDC and member of the Water and Environmental Engineering Group (GEAMA). Dr. Puertas spoke about river restoration and green infrastructure.
- David Hernáez Oubiña, head of the Works department of the E.P.E. Augas de Galicia, professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the UDC and member of the Water and Environmental Engineering Group (GEAMA), which dealt with the most recent actions on the river Monelos.
- Amal Nnechachi Bounous, civil engineer and doctoral candidate at the UDC within the Cartographic Engineering Laboratory (CartoLab). Amal Nnechachi presented the Monelos River Revival (MonRiveR) project.
- The table was moderated by Dr. Alberto Varela García, professor of cartographic, geodesic and photogrammetric engineering at the UDC. Advanced Visualization and Cartography Group.