On Thursday, April 25, the documentary 'Esquece Monelos' by Ángeles Huerta was screened. The film tells the story of the disappearance of the Monelos River, relating it to the loss of memory of the place and the people who inhabited it in the past.
The screening of the documentary took place at 12:45 at the ETS de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos del Campus de Elviña. This screening served to introduce the project 'MonRiveR' (Monelos River Revival). A research project that aims to define the possible restoration methodologies of the Monelos River and the enhancement of its natural course in an urban environment. 'MonRiveR' is funded by the Alcoa Foundation and aims to recover the history of the river, its role as a source of wealth and a place of leisure for citizens and, in short, to make society aware of the important relationship between its existence and the identity of a community.
The official presentation of the project will take place on 2 May with a panel discussion on the screening of this documentary.